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A smile a day keeps the blues away

Yes, that’s cheesy right?  However there is definitely some truth in it. 

This next month is National Smiling Month and I would like to challenge you all to smile more every day for the next 30 days.  Are you up for the challenge?

Did you know that every time you smile your body sends dopamine, endorphins and serotonin through your body which all are mood increasing hormones. 

Dopamine acts on the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation, endorphins help relieve pain, reduce stress and increase your sense of well-being and serotonin is a natural mood stabilizer.

And because our brains are easily fooled it doesn’t matter whether it is a fake or forced smile or a natural beaming smile our body still releases these hormones.

Imagine getting all these benefits without it costing a penny or having to go out of way to achieve it.

So what makes you smile? For me the better weather we’ve had the past few days definitely makes me smile more. As does spending time with family and friends and enjoying my hobby of playing in a band.  Last night I received amazing news that a friend on holiday had just got engaged – this really made me smile as I was so happy for them.

So the next time your co-worker asks you a question or brings you a coffee, your friend pops round, or you’re passing strangers in the street, please go ahead and smile at them.  It will not only brighten their day (and they may even smile back which then starts all these fabulous happy hormones circulating again) but it will bring you a whole heap of happiness too!

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